A Love Letter

This past wedding season – 2014 – my third year in business – was unbelievable!

I made some major additions to the inventory (I feel like I should use “we” instead of “I” but seriously, there is only me) – 12-12 foot pews, Vintage Marquee LOVE letters, first 12″ and then adding the 24″,22 sets of 50′ globe string lights in white and black wire, eclectic seating.

I’ve received amazing support from other vendors, antiques dealers, wedding and event planners not to mention all the photographers who show off my stuff to perfection.

What can I say about my fabulous clients?   They drove for hours to pickup AND to return. To New Brunswick, PEI, Yarmouth, Cape Breton.  They used my inventory in unexpected and unusual ways.   They carried twelve foot pews down over stairs and into the woods.  They showed up for pickup with livestock trailers and livestock still in it (adorable baby lamb).  They listened to my story about how I couldn’t keep Allen keys in stock and constructed something so I can make my own.  They offered suggestions on ways to improve things.  They FIXED things to make them better before they returned them. They sent flowers and wedding favours and other gifts, and handwritten thank you notes.  They shared pictures so we could all live vicariously – and get ideas for future events.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I love and appreciate you all!

wedding thank you banner for showersweddings - gold- vintage appearance-f50451

On my way to Halifax

I am on my way to Halifax shortly to set up for my first bridal show – Brides 2013, which is tomorrow, January 27 from 10 until 4 at the World Trade and Convention Centre.  If you are going to be there, please drop by to say hello.  I am feeling nervous.   Meeting all of you vintage minded brides will make me feel better.   I love to talk about ideas and I am sure I will pick up some interesting ones – maybe you will too!   See you there!    Valerie